Drake – “More Life”

Drake drops the More Life album, speaking directly to my life. His uncle looks like a darker skinned Donald Grefe – who filled the role as “uncle”, and eventually “dad”, for me, for a while. The Toronto, Ontario Northern artist has been a part of the journey since I started recording music. I don’t know how long he’s known I’m God, and that the industry has sucked and siphoned whatever they possibly could off me for their profit, but he knows something. My favorite project so far from Drake. Views played a role too, or “Once Dance” did at least.

Big Sean – “Dark Sky Paradise”

Big Sean has been dropping gems for years but this is his best to date (February 24, 2015). No much to say about his 3rd studio album, just hit play. He’s got many of his common collaborators on here and many new ones. Certified Platinum.