No one stands up for their rights like good ole Wisconsin folk. Today (February 18, 2016), 20,000 Latinos, immigrants and other supporters alike gathered on the square to speak their minds on the newest from the fascist governor. For those unfamiliar, Scott Walker has been mutilating the lower and middle class since he took office. Going off policy, he also hates most Christians, all other religions, community, environment, public transportation, education, blue collar jobs, farmers, black people, Latinos and women – the last two being the focal point of today.
The purpose of today’s gathering was to defeat a couple of developing pieces of legislature:
“One bill, SB 533, would restrict a county’s ability to issue local identification cards to people such as immigrants who are in the country illegally. It has passed the Assembly and the Senate and is awaiting action by Gov. Scott Walker.”
“The other bill, AB 450, would ban so-called “sanctuary cities.” These are cities where public employees are prohibited from inquiring about someone’s citizenship status. The bill has passed the Assembly and is awaiting action in the Senate.”
Wisconsin is nearing 500,000 Latino residents. The state cannot operate without these people. I love Latinos. They’re a hardworking, fun, sexy gang of human beings. Latinos add a different culture to the generally cold, hard white people of The North too. Neither the Capitol Police nor the MPD had any issues. “No arrests or incidents related to the rally were reported by either department,” according to the Wisconsin State Journal. There were even high school students there. What a day for democracy.
In other news, Scott Walker signed a couple bills that will cut about $7.5 million in funding from Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin:
“The prescription drug bill, Senate Bill 238, would limit Planned Parenthood to billing taxpayers through Medicaid for the actual acquisition cost, plus a dispensing fee. Family planning clinics are able to acquire drugs at discounted rates through a Medicaid health program known as 340B.”
“The other bill, Assembly Bill 310, was approved by the Assembly in September and by the Senate in January. It prevents the state from passing on federal money it receives through the Title X grant program to any group that provides abortions or has an affiliate that provides abortions. Title X money goes toward family planning and health screening for the poor and uninsured and is not allowed to be used for abortions.”
Yes, Scott Walker is the same man that believes you should birth your rapist’s child. He’s also using a money hungry Californian official to expedite this legislature through the system. “Eliminating Planned Parenthood’s funding has gained momentum following the release of secretly recorded videos by abortion opponents that show a Planned Parenthood official in California discussing the cost of providing fetal body parts for medical research,” according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. At least the shitbag won’t be our next president.