Did Bobby Raps Use My Producer Tag On “Imposter”? [UPDATE]

UPDATE (August 20)

Bobby Raps responded to me via Soundcloud saying, “i made that sound out of a sine wave on the EXS24, don’t gas urself homey ill kill ya lol. dats a very common sound btw brajj soooooooo… yknow…….. yea”

I loved this record for the first two minutes. Today (August 19) Bobby Raps goes over “Imposter” like butter on roll, water on ice. Keep it up young one. Like SWISH of Milwaukee, the OVO language is sounding fluent in the Midwest.

But then and at 2:18, the St. Paul, Minnesota singer-producer seems to drop my production tag. Is it the same? You be the judge, I created this sound from scratch about 2 years back with The GRIME TAPE. It seems a little suspect…

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